Hello, World! 🌎

Raymond Jimenez: Software Engineer & Data Enthusiast.
Passionate about developing software and diving into data.
Skilled in SQL and keen to optimize queries to glean insights.
On a journey of learning, growth, and adding value through tech.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
Steve Jobs




Movie Mania

Movie Mania

Budget Manager

Budget Manager



Raymond Jimenez

Hello, World! I graduated from General Assembly, where I honed my skills in a diverse array of technologies. My toolkit encompasses the robust MERN stack, Python, and the Django framework.

My passion for coding was ignited through the captivating world of JavaScript. Every new project is an opportunity for growth, innovation, and achieving excellence.

Off-screen, I engage in side projects that allow me to explore new technologies and methodologies. When not coding, I value spending quality time with family and friends and investing in personal development.

The technology landscape is ever-changing, and I am committed to continuous learning. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and frameworks is not just a necessity but a dedication to my craft.

Technical Skills

  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • SQL
  • React & Next.js
  • TailwindCSS & Framer Motion
  • Node.js & Express
  • HTML & CSS
  • BootStrap5 & Materialize
  • Python & Django
  • MongoDB & PostgreSQL
  • ...and the list keeps growing!

Beyond the world of code, I have a zest for traveling and connecting with new people. I'm always open to discussing new opportunities and collaborating on exciting projects. Let's build something remarkable together.